Introductory course

The introductory courses are guidance and teaching courses which will contribute to clarifying and motivating you to choose upper secondary education.

In form 8 you will attend an introductory course with your class and a teacher from your class. The introductory courses consist of two parts: An introductory Skills baton at an upper secondary educational institution in autumn, and two-day visit at a vocational education and training (VET) college as well as a two-day visit at a general upper secondary educational institution in spring.

On the Skills baton introductory day, teaching takes place at a vocational education and training college. During the day, you will be introduced to the VET educational system as well as the different study programmes. You will get a tour at the college. Afterwards, there will be a Skills baton in practical skills relating to the different programmes of four various VET colleges. You and your class will compete about winning access to the finals at the Danish championship in Skills.

During the spring visits to the upper secondary educational institutions, you will be introduced to a general upper secondary education (gymnasium) and a vocational education and training (VET) programme. Together with the rest of your class, you will experience the teaching taking place there, and will be introduced to the school and the study environment.